AC&E and its strategic alliances are able to provide corporate clients with access to sophisticated capital markets and structured finance solutions to fund their project finance and business needs through our unique and integrated Capital Markets solution offering.
AC&E provides a range of funding solutions for small, medium and large-sized transactions – where the firm works in the equity, debt, insurance and capital markets to arrange and structure finance to meet a client’s needs, and works with a client post-funding to assist with executing its corporate strategy in order to accelerate the realisation of the value-creating opportunity that the funding is required for.
The following schematic illustrates the various types of capital raisings that AC&E performs, including traditional equity and debt capital raisings, private placements, listed equity, debt and hybrid securities, and corporate bond issuances – this capability provides our clients with an extensive range of possible mechanisms to raise capital for both their current and future needs.
Corporate issuers who are seeking to design and issue a financial security(s) to fund their capital needs are able to use our integrated Capital Markets solution which provides them with the following origination, manufacturing/solution design and placement capabilities as a comprehensive and tightly integrated offering that is jointly provided by several professional services firms in the AC&E capital markets alliance:
- Corporate advisory and corporate finance services (including assistance with project planning and Information Memorandum development)
- Financial security solution design and structuring (manufacturing)
- Legal advisory and documentation services
- Tax, audit and accounting services
- Due diligence assessment, including:
- Commercial due diligence
- Financial due diligence
- Legal due diligence
- Risk assessment and risk due diligence
- Engineering and project planning due diligence
- Risk management advice, insurance placement and risk transfer structuring
- Trustee services, custodial and bond management (if necessary)
- Securities Exchange listing services (if necessary)
- Investor Relations (if necessary)
- Capital raising and brokerage services to fund the issued security(s)
Other services are contracted on a deal and needs basis determined by the optimal provider, such as valuations (business and property valuation) and ratings agencies (S&P, Fitch and Moodys) for rated instruments.
The integrated Capital Markets solution provides a client with the ability to uniquely design and fund highly structured financial securities and bonds, as depicted in the following schematic.

The investors that AC&E works with to fund the issuance of the financial security(s) includes, and are not limited to, the following types of investors located in Australia, Asia, North America and Europe:
- Institutional investors
- Corporate investors
- Hedge funds
- Superannuation/pension funds
- Sovereign funds
- Banks
- Insurers and reinsurers
- Family Offices
- High net worth individuals and sophisticated investors
- Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSF) in Australia
AC&E and its strategic alliances in the integrated Capital Markets solution offering initially work with the client to determine the design and type of financial security that would best meet the client’s funding needs, and then develop an issuance plan covering all activities and parties involved in the origination, manufacturing and placement/distribution of the financial security.
Note that AC&E International Pty Limited ABN 33 122 982 656 is a Corporate Authorised Representative (ASIC CAR 1241500) of Lazarus Capital Partners ABN 57 610 367 416 and Australian Financial Services Licence 502758 (AFSL), which is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). Refer to our licensing details here.
Note that AC&E International Pty Limited ABN 33 122 982 656 is a Corporate Authorised Representative (ASIC CAR 1241500) of Lazarus Capital Partners ABN 57 610 367 416 and Australian Financial Services Licence 502758 (AFSL), which is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). Refer to our licensing details here.